Saturday 20 April 2013

My Fair Lady: Shaw 2011

So most of us know the story of Pygmalion that was revised to a musical made famous my Julie Andrews, Rex Harrington and Audrey Hepburn. (If you don't, please research because you won't be let down). Well in 2011, my grade 11 drama teacher mention this woman, Deborah Hay, who he went to university with and how she was in My Fair Lady at The Shaw Festival. So I convinced my mother to get some tickets (it was easy because it was a fun musical) and I ventured off to Niagara-on-the-Lake to see what my teacher was talking about.

2 years later, I am still fascinated with this production of My Fair Lady. There was everything in wonderful in the show; the edgy design of costumes completed the antique set, the elegant dancing dazzled with the fresh voices. The performance by Benedict Campbell shouldn't have been overlooked as well, he knocked Professor Higgins out of the park and was a an excellent force to be wrecked with Hay's Eliza.

There was something real I saw on that stage that night, and that was the night my heart was stolen by Deborah Hay. She was the show stopper, with Cockney accent and all. She made the role her own, not necessarily following the footsteps of Andrews (who's brilliant, but no replica required). It was evident in every beat she danced, every note she sung, and every line she said. Deborah Hay became an inspiration to me in the she took her final bow and it was because she re-created Eliza Doolittle.

And that's why I am at school for theatre performance, to be my own actor. Even though I have so many actors I look up to and admire, I admire them because they don't try to be another actor, they are their own actor in their own right. For me, it' difficult, but that's why I am learning and that's why I still keep Deborah Hay's performance in my mind. 

I am envious that my drama teacher went to school with such a fine actress and knows her. But it reminds me that it took even her to learn the ways of theatre before she became her own performer. 

If you'd like to see more fabulous Shaw Festival Productions click on this link

With love, 

Lisa Alves

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